Written by Rebecca White-Johnson

“Your words will become your reality!"
-Rebecca White-Johnson

Book Description:

Truly is a young girl who goes on a learning journey with her favorite teddy bear by her side. In this book, Truly struggles with the challenge of trying to tie her shoes by herself. Her mom believes she can truly do anything, but Truly is not so sure. Will Truly give up or will she succeed? Join her on her journey to find out.

About the Author

Rebecca White-Johnson is the mother of one son and six daughters. The Truly character represents her daughters, her real life Trulies! She has written and read many books for her two youngest Trulies and she continues to read to them daily. With encouragement from her daughters, Rebecca decided to share her stories with all of the Trulies of the world.

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"The idea is not to live forever, but create something that will."
—Rebecca White-Johnson